Why is LinkedIn an Important Tool for Connectors?

LinkedIn is exactly that: A Connector Tool. It is an online platform for making connections. Thus, it can be a powerful tool for you to utilize in your connector business model.

Powerful Aspects of This Tool Include:

  • Showcasing your profile
  • Recommendations
  • Groups
  • Skill Endorsements

Are you using this Connector Tool well?

Does creating or improving your LinkedIn Profile intimidate you?

Are you lost as to where to start?

Would you like a step-by-step guide on how to create the Perfect LinkedIn Profile?

Then you are in the right place. Here you will learn, step-by-step how to improve your LinkedIn Profile.
Below I’m sharing the first 5 tips. If you’d like the remaining 16 as well as much, much more then join us THIS Thursday at 1pm Eastern.  During our Connector Community and Challenge call we will be practicing how to do just this!

  • To automatically join the Connector Community and Challenge now, click here.
  • To learn more about the Connector Community and Challenge before deciding, click here. CoachVille Linkedin Connector Strategy

Let’s start at the top –

#1 –   You Name – Keep it Simple and only use your name: First and last. This is not a place to put your business name. Nor is it a place to get all hyped up on your titles. (You have the rest of your profile to show off.) Let people easily find you by using your full name only. First and for most, followers want to know that you are a genuine person.

#2 – Your Headline – Let’s be clear here, this is a headline as opposed to a title.  Thus, putting your company name and position is NOT correct. Rather, as a headline it needs to be attention grabbing. It needs to  build intrigue and excitement.  IMPORTANT NOTE: It is also a place where you want to include your top keyword phrase or two.

#3 – Your Photo – Use a clear, smart headshot.  The ideal situation would be to use a professionally taken headshot.  This is NOT a place for company logos or avatars or full body shots.  The space is too small for a full body shot and an avatar or company logo is too impersonal.  It feels like you’re hiding.

#4 – Your LinkedIn Status – Your Status is what you post on LinkedIn as you would post on Facebook or Twitter. Thus it is important that you are posting daily.  Many people can forget about posting on LinkedIn, don’t! It is an easy, vital way to engage with your audience. Use hootsuite or socialoomph or have your assitant do it. You want to have fresh, new, relevant content on a daily basis for anyone visiting your profile.

#5 – Your Summary – In this section of your profile you want to accomplish 2 things.

  1. Include your top keyword phrases.  It will be important to include them here in order to optimize your profile for searches within LinkedIn and on Google Search.
    • If you have an “About Me” section on your website, you may also include that link here, so that readers can click through to read more about what you do.  This gets visitors to your website in a very open and unassuming manner.
  2. Clearly describe your IDEAL client.  For example, it is helpful to include a disclaimer: “Connect with me if…”.  This makes it clear to the reader who you help and if they fall into that category.  As counter intuitive as it may feel, to have a LARGE influence you must focus on a FEW!
    • Likewise, this is a great activity for you to complete for your business. Knowing your ideal client allows you to focus on co-manifesting that person rather than just anyone.

Want MORE Tips???

For 16 more tips and how best to utilize groups and your skill expertise, join us this Thursday at 1pm EST for our Connector Community and Challenge Call!

Even if you can’t make the call live, joining the community allows you access to the recordings afterward.

  • To automatically join the Connector Community and Challenge now, click here.
  • To learn more about the Connector Community and Challenge before deciding, click here.

I look forward to “seeing” you Thursday on the call.

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