How to Find Your Players and Recruit a Winning Team:

Both Practice and Paid!



1. Speaking is a simple, uncomplicated opportunity to increase your visibility and connect with potential clients. It allows them to get to know you, and be seen as an expert. For every speaking engagement you have, be sure to publish a news release no matter how small it is.

2. Make a list of topics you would LOVE to speak about. Ask everyone you know, “Do you know a group or organization who would like someone to speak on____?”

3. Speak with a partner! Collaborate with another coach where you tag team speaking on a topic that is of interest to your ideal client. 

4. Speak at your local library.

5. Every group in your local community has regular meetings that have a need for speakers. Leave cards or flyers with these groups to generate potential clients or speaking engagements. Examples are Women’s Groups, Sweet Adeline’s, Mother Groups, Rotary Clubs, and more.

6. Speak at home selling parties like Pampered Chef, Tupperware, Avon, Scentsy or PartyLite Candles, Thirty-One Gifts handbags, MMA International Jewelry, etc.

7. Start your own BlogTalk /Talk Show radio show.  Do your own “coach on call” radio show or teleconference. People call in and you laser coach them. Cheryl Richardson does something similar.

8. Do a live reading of poetry in the park on a nice sunny weekend afternoon…Sufi anyone?

9. Go to your nearest business schools (cosmetology/massage) and share with them a topic that will complement or help their business or their learning.  Do the same at Real Estate companies for their weekly staff meetings. 

10. Find interesting people and topics and then contact them and ask them to interview you. Ask them to post an invite to the interview on their emailing list. Arrange two a month and continue on a consistent basis.

Bonus: Have to give you one more!

11. Start a YouTube Vlog (video blog=vlog). Vlog weekly. Let them get to know you. “In a previous YouTube blog, I had people write to me telling me “I feel like I already know you.”

What are you willing to do, try or challenge yourself with to step into your business? Try one, try two, try all of these ideas!  The best thing you can do is to take action now. 

Thank you to the CoachVille Member Services Team for the great ideas!