
International Coach Week 2014

Thanks, Coach… Campaign

Hey there!

Coach Dave here with you.

In honor of International Coach Week 2014 I have a suggestion for you.

Send a note of thanks to the great coaches you have had in your life!

Whether they were a formal coach or an informal coach…

Whether they were a life coach, an athletic coach or a music coach…

Send a note of gratitude.

It can be a simple note of thanks or you can share some specifics about the value they added to your life.

Either way…

Let them know.

SHARE: If you want to share a public thanks to your coach, please share it here in the comments area below this post.
I will LOVE to read it.

Never underestimate the value of external validation!

I have been a professional life coach for 17+ years.   It still just lights up my day when a get a note of thanks from one of my players present or past.

While I certainly know the importance of tuning into our value from within, we are collaborative, connected creatures and getting some feedback from the outside world that what we do matters, is vital to our feeling of well being.

Let your coaches know that they made a difference in your world.  It could be just the pick-me-up they need right now.  Or at the very least it will give them a BIG smile.

Thinking of Thomas

Special Note:  If you want to leave a Thanks, Coach note for Thomas you can do it here!


Life is a canvas. Coaching is art. Paint!

Coach Dave