Deep Dive 2019-01-25 Design a Perfect Life

Lead by CoachVille CXO Deanna Stull, PCC


  • Deanna explores the “A Perfect Life” concept by Thomas Leonard with a few participants.
  • Deanna polls the group and finds out that 83% are actively thinking about how to Design and Live a Perfect Life!
  • Deanna polls the group and finds out that most have experienced either judging someone for being too perfect OR being judged for being too perfect.
  • Perfect v. Ideal?
  • Deniese shares a provocative story about comparing herself to someone who seemed “perfect” but who then revealed that it masked a world of trouble.
  • Question: how is comparing yourself to others blocking your Perfect Life
  • Question: If you live your Perfect Life, what will the impact be on the people around you?
  • Deanna explores push back from your Inner Circle AND Attraction in our Outer Circle