ALL calls are open to anyone and are free to attend/participate.

Each Deep Dive for 2023 is an intense look at one of our ideas, thoughts, or components of our coach training program, The Center for Coaching Mastery with the super theme of becoming a champion of dreams and dreamers.

.All of our calls are complimentary; you can join from anywhere in the world. If you are calling in from out of the country, please visit Maestro Conferencing for your options for joining us without long-distance fees.

Each call is a stand-alone exploration into one of our tools, skills, superpowers, or component of a method. We dive deep, come from curiosity, and discuss the idea from many angles.

You do NOT have to be a coach to join us; you only have to come ready to converse about life-changing paradigms and mindset shifts.

All of the calls are free to participate, without obligation! They are not sales calls; they are life-changing conversations.

If you want CCEU’s, you can purchase them per call or in a yearly package.

Each will qualify for 1.5 ICF – ACTP core competency training hours.

Individually, each is $49.00 You can purchase a year subscription for a total of 18.0 CCEU’s for $350.00

2023 Deep Dive Schedule


All calls are free to attend.

Build your Community.

Thought-Provoking Conversations.

Create Awareness.

Talk it out with fellow participants.

Experience the power of playing together.

CCEU’s available for purchase for every call.

Join the Group Page for recording archive.


Participation Details

One Friday per month our community joins together for a Deep Dive into a thought, idea, method step or concept from our Center for Coaching Mastery ICF Accredited Coach Training Program (ICF- ACTP).

You are welcome to join us and its easy to participate, click the registration link list for each call. When Friday arrives, you dial into the phone number you received when registering, you enter your PIN and you are on the teleconferencing call.

It is a participatory experience, so be ready to share your thoughts and insights. All voices are a valuable contribution regardless of background. We look forward to hearing your voice.

2023 Deep Dive Schedule & Registration Links

Each call has it’s own registration and PIN. You will recieve reminders prior to each call.

Deep Dive Coaching Calls

Friday, March 31th, 2023   

12 – 1:30 p.m. EST

  • Control is an illusion, so why do we keep trying to control everything?

How many times do you or someone you know say, “I just have to control my…?

Control has been a huge part of how we’ve experienced life from birth until now; it’s part of the industrial age paradigm.

But if control is an illusion, what is happening, and why do we perpetuate it in our lives?

What takes its place?

We’ve been trying to control everything for so long, so how does it feel when we think about letting go of control?

Click here to register.

Friday, May 12th, 2023   

12 – 1:30 p.m. EST

  • Social Play, we want to interact with people, and yet, we don’t. What is happening here?

How many times have you said yes to a social event, but then regretted it and looked for a way out?

How often do you commit to connecting with people about who you are and what you are doing in the world, but then do not?

Our origins and most of humanity’s history are based in a communal, co-created experience so why have we become solitary islands of our own making?

And when we do finally join the social experience, why do we really enjoy it and say we can’t wait to do it again but then start this cycle all over again the next time we think about it?

Let’s talk about the social play paradox of wanting to be with people AND wanting to be solo.

Registration info coming soon.

Friday, July 14th, 2023   

12 – 1:30 p.m. EST

  • Creating culturally safe spaces in coaching.

Pattern language, coaching mindset, and coaching presence all contribute to creating safe spaces for everyone in coaching.

Are you using language that is harmful to others outside of your own cultural experience? There are so many words and phrases with problematic backgrounds; one word or phrase choice could irreparably harm your relationship with another.

Implicit bias is part of most people’s lives, and becoming aware does little to change beliefs. What can you do as a coach to maintain safety and trust, knowing this is a fact?

When you make a mistake, how do you handle it? How will you show up as a coach and human?

Let’s talk about creating safe spaces and being truthful about what to do when you can not.

Registration info coming soon.

Friday, September 1st, 2023   

12 – 1:30 p.m. EST

  • Why do we spend so much time trying to fix the caterpillar’s problems?

In mentor coaching, the topic of fixing, solving, and helping people resolve their challenges comes up every single time. We are all so drawn to “helping” people, but if we do it for them, what are we really doing?

If you didn’t know, and I showed you a caterpillar and a butterfly, you would never guess they were the same insect at different stages of its life. The growth process is intense and hard, and if you help a butterfly out of its cocoon, you shorten its life span drastically.

Let’s talk about how we know all of this to be true and yet, we still want to fix everything for everybody.

Registration info coming soon.

Friday, November 3rd, 2023   

12 – 1:30 p.m. EST

  • How do you maintain presence even in challenging times??

Life can be chaotic and messy, as we know, after the past few years.

Challenging things happen without us having any influence over them and likely will for the rest of our lifetimes.

You will experience this, and your player will also.

And sometimes, the whole world will be in deep challenge, which means you and your player may both be experiencing wonkiness at the same time.

If all of this is true, how can you maintain presence when your world seems to be falling apart?

What gives you certainty? Where do you find the courage? And when is it time to say, “I can’t,” and do something different?

Registration info coming soon.

Friday, April 21st, 2023   

12 – 1:30 p.m. EST

  • Hey! Where did your sense of curiosity go?

When we were kids, before judgment taught us otherwise, we always asked questions.

Why is the sky blue? Why is the number seven after the number six? Why aren’t dinosaurs alive today? Why can’t I fly?

As adults, these seem like silly or unnecessary questions. But why?

Why have we let go of our amazing superpower of curiosity that all of humanity is born with?

Why are we more comfortable with knowing versus asking?

Click here to Register.

Friday, June 9th, 2023   

12 – 1:30 p.m. EST

  • Why are people living life without a dream??

We were born dreamers; think back to childhood; you probably had hundreds of dreams.

You dreamt of your life as an adult, who you would be, and what you would do. You dreamt of being an astronaut, artist, queen, or president.

You dreamt up entire worlds and then wished to live in them.

Some of us have continued dreaming throughout our life experiences, and it has been glorious and impactful.

But many of us have not. Many of us have lost our dreams and even our ability to dream. Why has this happened?

Let’s talk about how powerful having a dream really is and what we can do to bring dreams back to the world.

Registration info coming soon.

Friday, August 11th, 2023   

12 – 1:30 p.m. EST

  • Why does envisioning a peak performance create fear?

We think about the dreams we want to love and the actions we need to take to get there all of the time.

And yet, when asked to envision a peak performance,  a moment where we envision living some part of our dream, we experience fear.

Why does this happen? What about the imagined moment of awesomeness is so challenging to experience?

Some have a difficult time even imagining themselves there at all.

Our dreams and our peak performances call us, but they also ask a lot of us.

Let’s talk about how peak performance and the fear around it can be a powerful moment of awareness.

Registration info coming soon.

Friday, October 13th, 2023   

12 – 1:30 p.m. EST

  • Are you a knower/expert? Why is this holding you back??

You will hear from many “experts’ in the world that you should be the “expert” yourself. What does that mean? Does the world have “expert fatigue.”

If you are not the expert, then what are you? Does the expert have a role in coaching? In Leadership?

And if you aren’t the expert, who are you, and how do you build certainty with the people you are trying to reach and influence? How is all of this connected to masterful coaching?

Let’s talk about the learner/knower conundrum and how it shows up for all of us.

Registration info coming soon.

Friday, December 8th, 2023   

12 – 2:30 p.m. EST

  • Special Year-Ending Deep Dive; Envision your peak performances for 2024!

What are the peak experiences you are growing into for 2024?

We often think about what we want to do, and we make lists miles and miles long, but what about who we want to become?

And also, how do we want to feel? What emotions do we want to experience?

What do we all want to experience in 2024? Let’s imagine and envision together and inspire each other for a grand start to the new year.

Registration info coming soon.