Welcome!Coach Dave Buck Master Certified Coach

Coach Dave here with you!

This micro-course is for YOU if…

  1. You LOVE business success
  2. You LOVE personal growth and
  3. You LOVE life coaching

My strong belief is this…

To THRIVE as a Life Coach you need to be a great entrepreneur, AND
To THRIVE as an entrepreneur you need to hire a great Life Coach!

That is what this micro-course is all about.

Register HERE for this powerful micro-course experience!
This micro-course is just one of many awesome benefits of your FREE CoachVille Membership!

You LOVE Business Success

There are so many amazing games that people are playing in the world today, but in my experience, now that we are in the Connected Age of Purpose, the business game is the most compelling and most important game in the world.

The world desperately needs BIG-hearted people to Thrive in business and create prosperity for themselves, their families and their communities.

You LOVE Personal Growth

Business in the Connected Age is personal! You cannot hide behind the safety of impersonal tasks and expect to Thrive in business. It’s NOT possible. So if you want to grow a business, you MUST grow yourself. (Or Your Self).

The game of business provides limitless opportunities to go deeper into your Self so that you can go bigger out into the world! Like I said: When playing BIG is your only option!

You LOVE Life Coaching

I have always said that ALL Coaching is Life Coaching. Meaning: it doesn’t matter what you focus on at the start of a coaching relationship, it will become Life Coaching by the third conversation. Life coaching is about guiding another person in becoming more masterful at doing something that is very important to them. The key word is: BECOMING. Business success is all about results and becoming more of your best self always precedes new results.

So my theory is this: there is a near infinite supply of business building programs that focus on what to do and how to do it. But no one acknowledges that if Even One Step of a business program is out of the players comfort zone, the whole model will fail.

This is where Life Coaching comes in. So… my new mantra is that Every Entrepreneur needs a great Life Coach. Life Coaching is all about stepping out of the Comfort Zone and into the Transformation Zone where you grow as a person; as a player!

The great thing about Life Coaching the game of business is that people perceive anything that can help them grow their business as an Investment. Meaning: people understand that in order to grow their business they need to invest.

When we 1) move Life Coaching into the Business Investment category in people’s minds… and 2) demonstrate that it is an investment that produces results, we will be in great demand as Business Breakthrough Life Coaches. Let’s Play!

Speaking of Life Coaching…

The tagline for the Business Breakthrough Coaching program: Embrace FEAR, express LOVE and become a Money MAGNET using the Inner Freedom Method.
Let’s explore these ideas…

Embrace FEAR: any time you attempt or even imagine doing something that is outside of your current Comfort Zone… you will experience FEAR. Most of us have learned to either move away from fear OR attempt to overpower it. Neither of these is sustainable. The Inner Freedom Method is a step-by-step coaching conversation that engages the body, brain and spirit to embrace FEAR; to play with fear.

Express LOVE:  Business in the Connected Age of Purpose is all about LOVE. Starting with the idea of your purpose which is what your heart desires you do with your precious life.

Business now includes loving life, loving humanity, loving community, loving your team, loving your advocates, loving your customers and loving what you co-create with everyone.

However… when you play with LOVE you are extremely vulnerable! (that is an understatement!) You are vulnerable to disappointment, rejection and heart-break… in other words, a lot of experiences that we have learned to FEAR.

So expressing LOVE and embracing FEAR go hand in hand.

The Inner Freedom Method is powerful because it expands your capacity to Feel and express love in the face of all the fears that go with it. As your capacity for LOVE expands your capacity to play BIG in business expands.

Money MAGNET: In the current global economy, money is NOT a real “thing”; meaning it used to be based on gold or some other tangible asset, but those days are long gone. The real truth is that the “Money” we see in our accounts and use for exchanging value is truly an imaginary concept of human consciousness. Money is just numbers in computers based on shared / perceived value. As an imaginary concept it moves and flows like human energy; money moves toward certainty and away from doubt.

One of the mantra’s of the Inner Freedom Coaching Method is: My certainty is greater than your doubt. So as you master the Inner Freedom Method to express LOVE and embrace FEAR, as both a player and as a Coach, your certainty will expand out into “the world”; out into your Human Tribe. Your energy will draw people who are experiencing doubt… which is MOST people in business.

This will make you a magnet for opportunities. People will gladly invest their money in coaching with you because your certainty will give them the feeling that their investment will reduce their doubt and increase their value.

Watch Out World, here I come!  

This is how you will feel about yourself and about life when you wake up into a winnable business game every morning where you embrace FEAR, express LOVE and attract money like a MAGNET!

It is an expression of enthusiasm, eagerness and readiness to Play; to face challenges and experience the wonder of co-creation. The world needs courageous business leaders and business growers like you and me!

We ALL need a coach by our side to play our best game… to play for your own vision of Gold in your “Olympic Games”. The business people of your community need a Business Breakthrough Life Coach like You to guide them as they pursue the life of their dreams. They are not going to get there on their own. They need a coach. They need You!

The content of the Micro-Course

You will explore with your colleagues:
1) Core Business Truth Articles
2) Essential Business Activities from a Life Coaching perspective
3) Opportunities to Contribute

Core Business Truth Articles

Each Core Business Truth is presented as a short article and audio. For example, the first article is called: “Business as a game of relating and creating not a job of completing tasks.”

In this micro-course the game is just to consider how each idea applies to or illuminates your current business situation. Then, share your thoughts about it on the game card. In the full course you will be challenged to talk about these ideas with the business people that you know.

Essential Business Activities

There are 15 essential business activities. (eg. Marketing, Sales and Fulfillment) In the micro-course you will be asked to consider how you currently experience or Play each one. How do you express LOVE in this activity? How do you experience FEAR in this activity? Then share your insights about this activity on your game card.

Your thoughts will contribute to our coaching community awareness about how the business game is experienced in the REAL world by people like YOU.

In the full program we will go deep into EACH business activity by pushing your expression of LOVE in each one until you hit the “wall of FEAR”. Then we will use the Inner Freedom Method to create a Breakthrough out of your Comfort Zone into your Transformation Zone! Oh yeah, it is going to be AWESOME! This micro-course will get you ready; you can think of it as “pre-season” training for the full program. Very important!

Opportunities to contribute

There are a few game card items where I invite you to participate or contribute to the development of the program or the community of Business Breakthrough Coaches.

I look forward to reading your thoughts about this provocative exercise!

Register HERE for this powerful micro-course experience!

I look forward to seeing YOU on the Leader Board!

Let’s play!

Coach Dave, Master Certified Coach
When playing BIG is your only option… call me.