“What is wisdom today? Is wisdom a set of principles or laws? Does wisdom come to the lucky individual with good genes and smart memes? Does wisdom come from a group with special access to the truth? Or, is wisdom something that is alive, constantly developing and evolving as we humans evole?”

Thomas Leonard  – From the forward to Simply Brilliant

About a month after I took on the role of general manager for CoachVille a small package came in the mail. There was no return address and I wasn’t expecting anything – so it was exciting.

I ripped it open like a kid at Christmas and inside was a book.

Simply Brilliant – complied by Thomas Leonard. There was nothing else inside – no note – nothing. It was a gift from an unnamed individual –passing along a message from the founder of coaching and CoachVille – perhaps to steer my path with the right intentions.

I was not one of the lucky to have had personal experience with Thomas, however as both a coach and in my leadership role at CoachVille I feel that each day I am influenced by Thomas, an incredible prolific and creative visionary and I love that!

Thomas is right in his quote above –wisdom is a growing evolving organism and his wisdom and influence on the coaching industry is still so strong and vibrate that we should all take a moment and glean another lesson or two from such a widely influential man.

Without knowing him – what do I know about him?

That he NEVER stopped growing  –  and he encouraged others to do the same.

As we head into International Coaching Week which happens to coincide with the week Thomas’s physical journey with us ended I would like to offer some nuggets of Thomas Leonard wisdom and how they have influence me – and how they can influence you through your journey as a coach and a human.

He encouraged mastery…

“Master your craft: Being the best at what you do is the easiest way to become successful.”

So – this week as the world takes a moment to celebrate coaching and honor Thomas – think about mastery.

Where in your life is there room for growth and mastery?

Are you a masterful friend, or can you grow in that area?

Are you a masterful family member or partner– could you be more giving, more caring or more honest?

Have you become a master of self care or could you take more time for yourself, exercise and eat better?

I honestly could become more masterful at all of the above – I want to master the craft of LIVING.

Are you a masterful coach? Could you grow more, become more and then offer the world a big sense of possibility?

I certainly could become a more masterful coach, I learn from every experience I have with students in the classes I teach. I feel grateful to be so connected with so many amazing coaches and look forward to learning more and growing on my way to mastery. I look forward to learning more and being able to give more to CoachVille, to students and to the world.

I want to learn more EVERYDAY about what I do, to continue growing and becoming and I hope you do as well!

I want to embody Thomas’s idea of gaining wisdom – I want to become alive – constantly developing and evolving and I wish that for all of you – what a joyous way to approach life and the only way to walk your talk as a coach!

As Thomas so eloquently stated – wisdom is constantly evolving and as we become more masterful in our own lives and at the craft of coaching we can become part of the evolutionary processes.

In the spirit of play and evolution!

Coach Deanna

New classes start February 23 – become a masterful coach and sign up for a class.

For more information click here to find out about classes being held now.

Become A Coach – 21 Day Game    ***   Learn if Coaching & CoachVille are RIGHT for YOU!

Register for the Become A Coach Game

Invest: $21Become A Coach – 21 Days Game Mondays

2PM – 3:30pmET   Or 8:00PM – 9:30pm ET
Feb 21, Feb 28, March 14, 20 ; 2011
Instructor: Deanna Stull, ACC

To Register…

1) Register as a CV Member (see the buttons in the upper right side of this page)
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2) Click on the Registration Center Tab (under the main banner)

3) In the center column find the classes you are looking for and (click it)

4) Find the time and payment option you want and click the Register Button